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The panoMAX tells - Will Panomax become a travel agency?

The trip to the shipyard in Brest was already announced in the last newsletter. However, the actual assembly exceeded all expectations: Climbing up the mast of an icebreaker in gale-force winds was an experience that will certainly live long in the memory! As soon as the camera is released, you will be able to see plenty of pictures and videos of this ship ... but I can already say: it will be sensational!

But France was just the beginning! The following appointments in Kotor (Montenegro) for the beautiful new cable car and the site search at the Plitvicka Lakes were again an example of the typical question at Panomax: Is this still work or already a holiday?

But on the subject of travel agencies: our ship expert Daniel was in Miami at the world's largest cruise fair and achieved great success there. We will certainly be reporting a lot more about this!

To ensure that South America also benefits from Panomax, we are not only setting up further Panomax locations there, but Pedro is currently travelling through Brazil and Chile to provide intensive support to the new local partners. Our reference on the Sugar Loaf Mountain in Rio is of course enormously helpful!

So to summarise: Panomax will soon need a travel agency :)

Have a nice spring and see you next time,

Your panoMAX!

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